Friday, September 9, 2016

Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana Part D

Kumbhkarna needs to be fed!

  • These notes come from the Public Domain Edition of the Ramayana, part D, which can be accessed here.
Who Am I? Asks Rama,
 to which Brahma replies,

Then Brahma answered, "Hearken, thou whose virtue lies in truth! O Lord, thou art Narayana, bearing disc and mace; thou art the one-tusked boar; thou goest beyond the past, the present, and the future; thine is the bow of Time; thou art creation and destruction; thou art the slayer of all enemies, thou the forgiveness and control of passions; thou art the refuge of all gods and hermits; thou art manifest in every creature, in cows and brahmins, in every quarter, in sky and river and mountain-peak; a thousand limbs, a thousand eyes, a thousand heads are thine; thy heart am I, thy tongue Sarasvati; the closing of thy eye is night, its opening day. Sita is Lakshmi and thou Vishnu. And, O Rama, now Ravana is slain, do thou ascend to Heaven, thy work accomplished. Naught shall they lack whose hearts are set on thee, nor fail who chant thy lay."

·       “An equal battle raged until night, but the rakshasas waited for the night, and eagerly desired the setting of the sun, for night is the rakshasas’ time of strongest might.”
o   I could write a story from the perspective of the night, as she whispers and calls to the rakshasas, promising her coming, and promising that they will be strong when she comes to them.
o   Garuda’s Back from the Dead! Saves them from the magical arrows of Indrajit

Kumbhakarna – MASSIVE brother of Ravana who drank rivers of win. He defeated Hanuman and seized Sugriva and put him in his chariot. Rama sent flaming arrows towards Kumbhakarna and severed his head, leaving his flaming body to fall into the waves of the ocean.

Hanuman carrying the Medicine Hill –

Well, this isn’t fair – Rama’s getting help from the god, Indra, and his charioteer, Matali.
Rama cut off each of Ravana’s 10 heads, but a new one rose in each of its places, again and again and again. “Ravana’s death seemed no-wise nearer than before.” Ravana has a heart of iron, and it was pierced by one of Rama’s Brahma-arrows. Flowers fell down and celestial music was heard for Ravana’s death, which was the goal of the gods, and why the reincarnated Vishnu into a human form in Rama.

Mandodari’s Lament: She didn’t join him on the funeral pyre? His brother, Vibhishan lit the pyre, and Vibhishan is now King of Lanka.

Rama won’t take Sita back because her honor has been blemished by living in another man’s land for so long….. What?!