Thursday, October 6, 2016

7 Secrets From Hindu Calendar Art -- Devi's Secret (Part 5, Part D) Reading Notes: EXTRA READING

7 Secrets From Hindu Calendar Art
by Devdutt Pattanaik
Chapter 4 -- Devi's Secret 
Part 5
Via Video Book on YouTube

I'm continuing working my way through Devdutt Pattanaik's book, 7 Secrets From Hindu Calendar Art, and it is so informative! I am digesting it through a new "book medium" for me: YouTube Video! It's called "Video Book" format, and it's free and accessible on YouTube. The chapters have been broken down into chunks, and while quite dense, they're only about 20 minutes in total length (each). I am thoroughly enjoying this method of learning, and I cannot recommend it enough!

If you are following the Reading Guide for Indian Epics, then note that Part D consists of Devi's Secret and Part 2 of Shiva's Secret. I wanted to keep Shiva's Secret together, in one blog post, which can be found here

Tripura Sundari, one aspect of the Mahadevi,
shown here, forcing life into being
Devi's Secret
Desire and Destiny Create Life

Kanyakumari - S. India, Virgin Bride, Wanted to Marry Shiva
  • Raw power that the goddess has: 
      • IF married, it is used for the married and the home
      • IF unmarried, it is channeled for protection
  • Goddess is a symbol of the material world: feed us and defend us
  • Goddess of household and villages are mothers and warriors
This channel of energy of the goddess into the household or into protection makes me think of the video featuring Uma Thurman as "The Mundane Goddess". If you have 10 minutes, it's a must-see!

Kanyakumari = foreceful domestication of the Earth

  • Why? Because we can. Because we desire a better life. 
  • Nature/Human Relationship is based on desire -- exploitation of that desire. 
  • Man begs Nature (goddess) to domesticate her. This is an interesting concept, right here. 
Value of Men's Actions towards Women (and in relation to the goddess)
  • bad son ---creates---> evil mother
  • good son ---creates---> love and prosperity and fortune
  • pot contains the wealth from the confines of civilization
  • pond/river is the wealth abundant to all thru nature
  • beattle leaf beneath the pot = aids digestion and aphrodesiac (EW. Have you ever seen what the beatle leaf does to the mouth? disgusting.)
  • Man desires wealth and pleasure (and so desires woman/goddess)
  • From Kerala - wild goddess who kills demons and drinks their blood
  • Form of Parvati -- goddess of the mountains
  • Shiva Linga - husband
  • Ganesha - son
  • Love god
  • god of desire, is a disruptive source, no longer worshipped. THIS is also very interesting to note. 
  • Sugar cane bow, flower arrows
  • Rig Veda: Desire for creation arose in the heart of the Creator (Think: Brahma Dreaming
    • World then came into existence
  • Desire: object, observation, requires something back
  • ax=death,division, noose= bind, binds body to soul, forces us to live another life
Even Death does not separate us from our destiny
Fate: Supervised by Yama (God of Death), rides buffalo, carries noose (the binding agent), Book of Karma

Durga as Kali, her most powerful form
by Raja Ravi Varma

  •  Most popular form of Shakti
  • Weapons of War (power) and Bride (love and desires)
  • Invincible One, The One Who Cannot Be Conquered
  • Daughters of Durga:
    • Lakshmi and Saraswati
The Mind is Restless (dominate), The Soul is Restful (witnesses domination, affection)

Ego: Monster or Forgetfullness? <----- Really Interesting Thought here
The one who chases desires can also submit to destiny.

Theme of Transformation is Repeated Over and Over
 in Hindu Mythology, 
Nothing is Absolute.

Same as Christianity? Redemption? Transformation? What about Islam? Judaism?