Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Reflections: Reading, Writing, Connecting

From the Online Course Lady :)

Fall Reading Review:
  • Overall, I feel that my Reading Notes are probably pretty lengthy. However, they've helped me to organize and process what I am taking in, as a lot of it is new-ish information combining with new perspectives on older information I already had acquired. I feel that I have been making great choices with the readings, for me, in keeping it varied and interesting. I've chosen several different mediums throughout the semester, and have tried to gain a broad base for important stories from India. 
    • I've actually most enjoyed the extra reading assignments so far this semester, specifically the Video Book format that has allowed me to progress through Devdutt Pattanaik's  7 Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art.  This book has been the most informative. 
    • Sister Nivedita's work for the re-read through The Mahabharata was actually quite dry, and not what I expected or anticipated. 
    • R.K.Narayan's book The Mahabharata was more enjoyable to read and went fairly quickly, so I will probably return to him as an author in the future.
    • I most enjoyed the PDE version of the Ramayana, and would like to revist some PDE editions in the future. The reading guides were so helpful for further exploration! All the extra time I spent in the beginning looking into extra information really laid a great foundation for moving forward with Hindu ideas/philosophies/epics.
  • Reading Notes: I do feel that I am reading like a writer, where I am trying to pinpoint one aspect that I can hone in on and create a story from that. When I do narrow down, highlight, or emphasize only one point, I find that I can think about my story as I am moving through my day, and when it's time to write, it's almost all there ready to just be penned down. In reference to the semester long project, however, it has been a struggle to incorporate enough information relating to my project to be ready to move forward in the storytelling aspect of the semester project. 
Future Reading Options: Weeks 9-14
        I'm so exited to move forward in the exploratory readings for the rest of the semester! I feel that I have a wealth of books that I could devour, and only wish that I had enough time to do so! I am going to try and finish most of the books I considered for possible StoryBook Project ideas -- they all interest me, and while I can't use them all for my project, I can still read them!
  • More Amar Chitra Katha Books (Already Read: Mirabai and Kabir)
  • Brahma Dreaming by John Jackson (I'm already 1/3 finished with this book, I just haven't written up any reading notes yet. I L-O-V-E this book! It's visually so beautiful!)
  • Krishna Krishna by Indira Parthasarathy. (Available on Audiobook, perfect for me!)
  • Twenty-Two Goblins by Arthur Ryder. (I've actually already finished this book, and it wasn't stellar, but it was unique. I just haven't written up Reading Notes for is yet.)
  • Pashu by Devdutt Pattanaik. Love Pattanaik's work so far, and I already have the physical copy of this checked out from the Library. Just need to sit down with it and read through it.)
  • Fugitives, Rabindranath Tagore. I still want (and need!) to read through these plays and songs, especially considering it relates to my StoryBook.
  • Razmnama - The Persian (Mughal) translation of the Mahabharata -- perhaps, thought not a definite.

Fall Writing Review:

Stories I've written so far:
      Overall, I am fairly happy with the stories I have written. I definitely feel that the quality of my work is actually weighted to better quality at the beginning of the semester when I had more time and mental capacity to devote to the stories. I've also noticed that if I give myself a few days to ruminate/physical write about the story, it comes out far superior to when I am forced to sit down in one day and write the story. Those stories are still OK, and they're my stories, but they tend to be more lighthearted and playful, rather than seriously incorporating everything I have digested thus far. I want to focus more on this website for inspiration and writing technique development: Writing Laboratory.

StoryBook Review:

I am happy with the choice that I have chosen, although I am unhappy with the hosting site that I have chosen. Admittedly, though, technology and web design are areas that I am least capable in, not to mention areas that intimidate me the most! Plan: Readings need to focus on sourcework from the poets that I have chosen (Tagore/Surdas/Kabir/Mirabai) so that I can digest them, focus on my favorites, and begin to write StoryBook stories incorporating those stories. Digestion and synthesis takes the longest for me.

Looking Ahead:
      I found a diary entry style of storywriting from one of my classmates recently, and that looked like an interesting style of writing to try. I would also like to try and revisit writing something in verse, that was really challenging and quite a lot of fun.

Connecting Review:

      I most admire the conciseness with which other writers are able to get to the juicy bits. It can immediately get intriguing, or suspenseful or spooky within a sentence or two. I feel like I get really weighed down in the details in my intros. 
      I think I have probably been doing a good job giving other people feedback, though on the normal, weekly stories that we comment on, it's hard to get into much depth in that commenting. It's much easier to go in depth for the Portfolio or StoryBook reviews. I can probably aim to include one encouraging way to enhance a story on even the regular weekly stories that I comment on, not just saving the in depth analysis for the Feedback groups.