Sunday, October 9, 2016

Famous Last Words: One Month Til THE VOTE.

2016 Presidential Nominees (caricatured)
 Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Image via flikr.
Week 7 of the Semester is over, and I'm sitting here this evening facing an incredibly busy October: full of midterms, birthday parties, a trip to Santa Fe New Mexico, Essays due, and Halloween! Oh My! 

The most distressing issue for this month, however, is that we're almost to the Presidential Election of 2016, ya'll. Anyone else starting to really freak out about our options? Anyone? Surely I am not alone on this. Left standing are, technically: Hillary Clinton (Democrat), Donald Trump (Republican), Jill Stein (Green Party), and Gary Johnson (Libertarian). Actually, I'm starting to see a few Gary Johnson and Jill Stein yard signs pop up in my neighborhood (in the wild, I call it).

Tuesday, November 8th is the election.... Just about 1 month, exactly, away from now. (cue shrieking knife sounds of EEEP EEEP EEEP, that's so typical in horror movies) I'm left gape-jawed with our current options, and just really struggling with which way my vote is going to go. For once in his life, my husband, too, is left puzzling who the heck he's going to vote for. We're not alone, several of our friends are just as distressed about the current state of affairs regarding the next President of the United States. 

I'm sitting here finishing up this week's assignments with the 2nd Presidential Debate playing in the background (at the Town Hall). Did you watch it? What do you think about it all? Anyone else wince in pain also?

I will spare you from my personal, obtuse views on the subject, but I'll leave you with TWO things:

The deadline for registering to Vote is THIS FRIDAY, OCT 14. If you're in Oklahoma, here is the link for the voter registration page. Print it off, fill it out, and mail it in to the address listed on the application itself. It must be postmarked by Thursday, Oct 13. 

Bernie Meme created from DonkeyHotey's photo on flikr.

Goodluck this week, ya'll!